Adaptive Sparsified Graph Learning Framework for Vessel Behavior Anomalies
Kim J, Kim M, Ju J, Lee W, Park H
Anomaly Detection in Scientific Domains AAAI Workshop (2025)
A Long-term, Geospatial-based Approach for Location Suitability Evaluation of Flood Relief Camps Considering Climate Change
Choi Y, Park H
INFORMS Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Conference (MSOM), United States (2024)
Not All Doom and Gloom: ChatGPT, Knowledge Diversity, and Style Similarity in Online Communities
Lee CG, Lee J, Park H
84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), United States (2024)
Revelio: A Lifelog Visualization System with Google My Activity
Choi Y, Kim Y, Lee CG, Park J, Park H
IEEE PacificVis (Poster) (2024)
String Nodes Visualization with a Simple Trick: The Hidden Virtual Nodes
Choi J, Park H
IEEE PacificVis (Poster) (2024)
Visualization system to identify structurally vulnerable links in OHT railway network in semiconductor FAB using betweenness centrality
Choi J, Park Y, Choi Y, Kim S, Lee H, Park H
PLoS ONE 19(7) e0307059 (2024)
Complex Business Ecosystem Intelligence Using AI-Powered Visual Analytics
Basole RC, Park H, Seuss CD
Decision Support Systems, 178, 114133 (2024)
Rare is Beautiful? The Interplay Between Rareness, Technology Search, and Technology Value
Lee J, Jung HJ, Park H
Production and Operations Management, 32(4), pp.1019-1040 (2023)
An Exact Solution Method for the Political Districting Problem
Chopra S, Park H, Shim S
Parallel Processing Letters, 33(01n02), 2340001 (2023)
Research on the Development of Distance Metrics for the Clustering of Vessel Trajectories in Korean Coastal Waters
Lee S, Lee WH, Min JH, Cho DJ, Park H
Journal of Navigation and Port Research, 46(6), pp.367-375 (2023)
A Comparative Study of Vessel Trajectory Prediction Error based on AIS and LTE-Maritime Data
Min JH, Lee S, Cho DJ, Baek J-H, Park H
Journal of Navigation and Port Research, 46(6), pp.576-584 (2022)
When to Signal? Contingencies for Career-Motivated Contributions in Online Collaboration Communities
Lee J, Park H, Zaggl M
Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 23(6), pp.1386-1419 (2022)
Vessel Sharing and its Impact on Maritime Operations and Carbon Emissions
Park H, Blanco C, Bendoly E
Production and Operations Management, 31(7), pp.2925-2942 (2022)
Extended Graph Formulation for the Inequity Aversion Pricing Problem on Social Networks
Chopra S, Park H, Shim S
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(3), pp.1327-1344 (2022)
Interfirm Collaboration and Firm Value in Software Ecosystems: Evidence from Cloud Computing
Basole RC, Park H
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 66(4), pp.568-582 (2019)
Visual Analysis of Venture Similarity in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Basole RC, Park H, Chao RO
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 66(3), pp.368-380 (2019)
Structural Anatomy and Evolution of Supply Chain Alliance Networks: A Multi-Method Approach
Park H, Bellamy MA, Basole RC
Journal of Operations Management, 63, pp.79-96 (2018)
Tua Culpa: When an Organization Blames its Partner for Failure in a Shared Task
Park BS, Park H, Ramanujam R
Academy of Management Review, 43(4), pp.792-811 (2018)
ecoxight: Discovery, Exploration and Analysis of Business Ecosystems using Interactive Visualization
Basole RC, Srinivasan A, Park H, Patel S
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 9(2), no. 6 (2018)
Revealing Community Structures by Ensemble Clustering using Group Diffusion
Ivannikova E, Park H, Hämäläinen T, Lee K
Information Fusion, 42, pp.24-36 (2018)
Graphiti: Interactive Specification of Attribute-based Edges for Network Modeling and Visualization
Srinivasan A, Park H, Endert A, Basole RC
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(1), pp.226-235 (2018)
Two-Sided Platform Competition with Multihoming Agents: An Empirical Study on the Daily Deals Market
Kim B-C, Lee J, Park H
Information Economics and Policy, 41, pp.36-53 (2017)
Visualization of Innovation in Global Supply Chain Networks
Basole RC, Bellamy MA, Park H*
Decision Sciences, 48(2), pp.288-306 (2017)
Visual Analytics for Supply Network Management: System Design and Evaluation
Park H, Bellamy MA, Basole RC
Decision Support Systems, 91, pp.89-102 (2016)
Bicentric Diagrams: Design and Applications of a Graph-Based Relational Set Visualization Technique
Park H, Basole RC
Decision Support Systems, 84, pp.64-77 (2016)
Computational Analysis and Visualization of Global Supply Network Risks
Basole RC, Bellamy MA, Park H, Putrevu J
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 12(3), pp.1206-1213 (2016)
Project Selection in NIH: A Natural Experiment from ARRA
Park H, Lee J, Kim BC
Research Policy, 44(6), pp.1145-1159 (2015)
Understanding Variations in Pediatric Asthma Care Processes in the Emergency Department using Visual Analytics
Basole RC, Braunstein M, Kumar V, Park H, Kahng M, Chau DHP, Tamersoy A, Hirsh DA, Serban N, Bost J, Lesnick B, Schissel BL, Thompson M
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), 22(2), pp.318-323 (2015)
Understanding Business Ecosystem Dynamics: A Data-Driven Approach
Basole RC, Russell MG, Hutamaki J, Rubens N, Still K, Park H
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 6(2), no. 6 (2015)
Visual Analytics for Early-Phase Complex Engineered System Design Support
Basole RC, Qamar A, Park H, Paredis C, McGinnis LF
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 35(2), pp.41-51 (2015)
Coopetition and Convergence in the ICT Ecosystem
Basole RC, Park H, Barnett BC
Telecommunica- tions Policy, 39(7), pp.537-552 (2015)
Dependence Clustering, a Method Revealing Community Structure with Group Dependence
Park H, Lee K
Knowledge-Based Systems, 60, pp.58-72 (2014)
Challenges and Opportunities for Enterprise Transformation Research
Basole RC, Bellamy MA, Clear T, Dabkowski M, Monreal J, Park H, Valerdi R, Van Aken EM
Journal of Enterprise Transformation, 3(4), pp.330-352 (2013)
Multi-Level Simulations of Health Delivery Enterprises Flight Simulators for Policy, Strategy, Planning, and Management
Park H, Clear T, Rouse WB, Basole RC, Braunstein M, Brigham KL, Cunningham L
Service Science, 4(3), pp.253-268 (2012)